Equity per market value and debt calculation
1. price/ share : $12.40
2. share/issue : 1084
=> market capitalization = price/share * share/issue
= $13,499
DebtCalculation :
cash = $5024
Marektable secutities = $1713
Total cash equivalent = cash + marketable securities = 6737
Long term debt = 26,073
short term debt = 13,884
total debt = long+short = 39,957
Net debt = cash equivalent + total debt =
market value of debt
market price of debt(%) = 95%
market value of debt = Netdebt * market price =
enterprice value = market capitalization + market value of debt
2. share/issue : 1084
=> market capitalization = price/share * share/issue
= $13,499
DebtCalculation :
cash = $5024
Marektable secutities = $1713
Total cash equivalent = cash + marketable securities = 6737
Long term debt = 26,073
short term debt = 13,884
total debt = long+short = 39,957
Net debt = cash equivalent + total debt =
market value of debt
market price of debt(%) = 95%
market value of debt = Netdebt * market price =
enterprice value = market capitalization + market value of debt